Becoming a Facilitator

Make a Difference. Become a Facilitator.

Help Improve the Lives
of Others

As a certified Getting Ahead Facilitator, you’ll help under-resourced individuals to:

  • Take charge of their lives
  • Complete a self-assessment of their own resources and make a practical plan to rebuild their lives
  • Develop a series of mental models to examine their own lives and create new future stories
  • Help stabilize their lives
  • Investigate the impact that poverty has had on themselves and their community
  • Use this information to build resources for a better life and community
Helping Others

Become a
Facilitator Today

Here’s how you can make a difference and become a facilitator in your community.

  1. Submit your resume and meet with our Program Director
  2. Participate in a 6 week (2 evenings / week) Facilitator Development Cohort. You are paid ($) to learn!
  3. Complete the Bridges Out of Poverty Strategies for Professionals and Communities self-study.
  4. Complete the online Certified Facilitator Training—two 3-hour sessions (cost covered by OBOP).

Ready to Help?

Get started today helping families and individuals thrive and become self-sufficient!